Fox River Valley Chapter 585
Pheasants Forever
Welcome To
Fox River Valley And Pheasants Forever Chapter 585
The Fox River Valley Chapter of Pheasants Forever is dedicated to the protection and enhancement of pheasant and other wildlife populations in East Central Wisconsin through habitat improvement, public awareness, education, and land management benefiting landowners and wildlife alike.
The urban areas in our region have been expanding at an ever increasing rate. This urbanization of our area has increased the need for organizations such as ours that are committed to increasing and improving the habitat of our area for pheasants and all wildlife.
Pheasants Forever’s unique system of local chapters allows 100% of net funds raised by chapters to remain at the chapter level for local habitat projects.
2024 Scholarships
Again this year our Chapter is awarding two $1500 dollar scholarships to seniors in the Fox Valley area.
Our Annual Youth Day will be held Saturday September 6th 2025 at Oak Hill Hunt Club in Eldorado. It's a great day of education, trap shooting and a live pheasant hunt.
Our annual banquet will be held Friday March 21st 2025 at the Oshkosh Convention Center. Click below for more details and to register.